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Exhibition game in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2017-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: exhibitionexhibitionistexhibitexhibitorinhibitionprohibitiondisinhibitionprohibitionistMeaning: n. a game whose outcome is not recorded in the season's standing. 
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1. League plans exhibition games in stadium.
2. After two exhibition games, they know all they need to know.
3. To many in the audience of the exhibition game.
4. Melbourne and Brisbane will play an AFL exhibition game in Shanghai next year, the first professional Australian Rules match to be played in China.
5. The exhibition game would likely be played near the end of the2008 preseason schedule, Levine said, and it won't preclude the Asia trip.
6. This second exhibition game players are experienced competition and received the technician certificate 30 years chef.
7. Gay, the Memphis Grizzlies forward, hosted an exhibition game on Tuesday night -- and points were scored easily and often.
8. After watching the exhibition game this afternoon at this 30-year milestone, I would venture to say that this is still true today.
9. The Lakers are planning to play an exhibition game in England next year, The Times has learned.
10. Rookie Yi Jianlian 's second exhibition game was a lot different from his first.
11. Rambis filled in for Jackson in an exhibition game last October after Jackson underwent tests for swelling and soreness in his legs.
12. In an exhibition game, Clippers rookie Al Thornton was "a little nervous" when he guarded Bryant for the first time on a switch.
13. Plummer, who had appeared in 133 straight regular-season games, broke his left wrist in the first exhibition game last month.
14. Karros is recovering from a strained hamstring and has yet to play in an exhibition game.
15. Tagliabue said the system would be tested first at exhibition games that are nationally televised.
16. They invited to the Hong Kong Sevens to play in the fifteen-man exhibition game beforehand.
17. Louis Cardinals said Rick Ankiel won't be used in their first five exhibition games.
18. Fans in Atlanta still talk about the shot Linares hit off the facade in left field in a 1993 exhibition game.
19. And when the Raiders came back to test the waters with exhibition games[], the joint was stuffed to the rafters.
20. The premium on performance shifts the focus this spring to the exhibition games, starting in another week.
21. Rather than meet Bucks officials after the draft in New York, the 7-foot (2.13-metre) Yi traveled to Dallas where he joined the Chinese national team for an exhibition game on Sunday.
22. Playing against the USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team in a pre-Olympic exhibition game in Phoenix.
23. A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished.
24. The Lakers' most versatile player had more fouls (five) than points or assists as a primary ball-handler on offense and small forward on defense in Tuesday's exhibition game against Utah.
25. About a year later, I went to Atlanta, Georgia, to play in an exhibition game.
25. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
26. But such is the uneasy state of the Lakers that something as mundane as his participation in an exhibition game qualifies as news these days.
27. Stuckey missed the Pistons first 25 games last season after breaking his hand in their final exhibition game.
28. Lamar Odom (calf) practiced with his teammates and might play Tuesday night in the Lakers' exhibition game against the Golden State Warriors in Ontario.
More similar words: exhibitionexhibitionistexhibitexhibitorinhibitionprohibitiondisinhibitionprohibitionistenzyme inhibitionsimulation gameimbibitioninhibitingprohibitiveprohibitivelyexhilarationinhibitprohibitinhibitedinhibitorprohibitedinhibitoryprohibitoryuninhibitedelongationprohibit fromambitiongeneration gaplong positionexhilarateexhilarated
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